KELLY ANNA is a Print Designer who creates bold, colourful illustrations using a broad range of media. In high demand, Kelly has recently worked with Nike, Illustrated People, and the Art of Ping Pong and is a freelance print designer for Sophia Webster. For every design, before moving onto digital tools, Kelly will sketch, paint, and draw because for her “it all starts with the material”.
For Kelly, 'naturally, we're all creative' so, naturally we wanted to hear more about where she finds inspiration. We visited Kelly in her south London studio to find out about her creative process. Watch our film below to meet Kelly.
Kelly's work is fulled with vibrant colours, and for her colour palette is very important.
The female form fills Kelly's work, perhaps inspired by her background in ballroom dancing. The influence of Matisse and Hockney is evident in her forms and like Matisse her studio was filled with vegetation.
Find out more about Kelly on her website.

Despite working with digital technology to create much of her work, for Kelly 'it all starts with the material.' She loves working with paint, paper and collage and mixing that with digital technology. It can be hard to find inspiration so Kelly spends a lot of time researching online, for example, she finds at least 5 inspiration images per day before starting work.
Favourite Tools: Winsor & Newton ProMarkers, paper and laptop.